Our Supported Employment Program provides a job preparation class, job development and job coaching services. The goal is to empower clients to attain careers in their community.
This Program Offers
Job Prep Class
- What does employment look like and understanding workplace expectations
- How to apply for a job, prepare for an interview, and more
- Four sessions over four weeks
Job Search
- Initial interview to learn more about the client's work history, interests, means of transportation and more
- Weekly development meetings
- Collaboration in searching and applying for jobs
- Interview Prep
Paid Internship
- This is a paid, working interview with the goal of employment at the end of the internship
- One-to-one support through job coaching
- Time to learn job tasks and work on employment goals
Job Placement
- One-to-One support through job coaching, which fades with time according to client needs
- Job support geared towards full independence in the first 6-12 months
- We don't stop after the first placement; we are focused towards finding the right job for the client. This job might be the first step in their career development.
Tailored Day Services (TDS)
- One-to-one support for clients to develop or maintain employment or volunteer opportunities, learn new job skills, and increase their ability to lead integrated and inclusive lives in their community
- An add-on to our Supported Employment Program that allows clients to customize the support they receive.
- Clients cannot attend our Partial Work or Supported Employment Programs on the same day they receive Tailored Day Services.

Program Parameters
Our goal is to work alongside the client and help them with their employment search and retention. Therefore, clients desiring to apply should note the following requirements. All potential clients must request a referral from their regional center prior to completing the ICAN interview and intake packet. This is in compliance with our licensing and accreditation.
- Clients are responsible for their own transportation
- Able to communicate their wants and needs
- Must actively participate in the job search and application process
- Able to operate independently in an integrated setting
All potential clients must request a referral from their regional center service coordinator prior to completing the ICAN interview and intake packet. ICAN must receive a referral before scheduling an interview or accepting a client into our program.
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Meet the Supported Employment Team

Christianna Lynch

Osamu Nishitani

Mike Karle

Maegan Draka
Contact Supported Employment
Supported Employment: Casemanagement@ican.org
Tailored Day Services: Â TDS@ican.org
Locations: Torrance and Long Beach
Phone: 310.374.8295